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একবার এবং সব জন্য লাল আলো থেরাপি ব্যবহার প্রভাব?

Red light therapy, as new physiotherapy magic recently, promotes low-level light therapy has attracted much attention due to its extensive efficacy.

It is well known that red light therapy can be used to cure a variety of diseases, including hair loss, and joint pain, promoting wound healing, repairing skin, and reducing wrinkles.

However, many users do not know the use time of red light therapy, as well as the use time for various diseases. There is a scientific basis for this. The following article will introduce the reasonable use time for the treatment of these four major diseases in turn.

Treatment of alopecia

Based on microbial chemical changes, red light can affect the activity of some enzymes in body tissues and can adjust and balance various cellular biological enzymes in the body. For example, it has a buffering effect on the 5-a reductase that affects male hair loss, and the enzymatic reaction of tyrosine that affects white hair.

Red light can enhance the production of DNA in body tissues and somatic cells, and further, enhance the production of protein. It is understood that protein is the main component of hair, accounting for 85% – 90% of hair. According to the role of red light, it can accelerate hair growth, improve the tightness, relative density, and extensibility of hair, and make hair dark, soft, and bright.

Red light can enhance body cell production, improve immune function, and cure alopecia areata caused by the reduction of autoimmunity.

Red light can enhance and adjust the effect of thyroid cysts and adrenaline and has a good therapeutic effect on alopecia areata caused by low or excited thyroxine.

The red light is easily digested and absorbed by the hemoglobin concentration in the blood to improve the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, thereby promoting part of the body’s blood circulation system, improving the hair follicle atrophy caused by insufficient blood supply, and repairing and repairing the blood supply of the dermal papilla.

It takes about 40 minutes for the red light to treat hair loss. Generally, red light treatment for hair loss can promote local blood circulation and help hair follicle growth to a certain extent. It will be good in two to three months.

Treat joint pain

Red light therapy is generally different from infrared therapy. Near-infrared light treatment can promote the healing of wounds and ulcers, promote hair growth, promote fracture healing, accelerate the regeneration of damaged nerves, and increase the phagocytosis of white blood cells. Infrared is a kind of electromagnetic wave, which is relatively pure heat light and penetrating light. It usually stays on the skin surface, so it has a warming effect in treatment. In the process of use, if adverse reactions occur, the user should be stopped. It is necessary to make a clear diagnosis of the cause, and then select the treatment method to achieve better results.

In the treatment of joint pain caused by rheumatism, turning on the red light and infrared light at the same time will achieve very good results.

Red light is best for about 30 minutes at a time. Red light, also known as infrared radiation, can reduce the local pain of patients.

Treat wound healing

Infrared ray therapy belongs to a physical therapy method. Because infrared rays can penetrate the muscle and soft tissue of the human body, they can promote local blood circulation, promote the growth of capillaries, increase the permeability of capillaries, facilitate the material exchange between tissue cells and blood, and improve the nutrition supply. At the same time, infrared therapy can enhance the metabolism function of tissue cells, increase the synthesis function of tissue cells, accelerate the formation of fibrous connective tissue, and enhance the self-repair ability of tissues. Therefore, infrared therapy is helpful for wound repair.

Infrared therapy has certain indications and contraindications. It is mainly used for the treatment of nonacute inflammation and trauma. It can promote blood circulation, relieve pain, and eliminate soft tissue spasms. If the wound has been infected or suppurated, infrared treatment is likely to cause the spread of inflammation. It is recommended to use sensitive antibiotics for treatment first and then cooperate with infrared treatment after the local inflammation is controlled.

It takes one hour to irradiate the wound with red light, and the patient can do it twice a day, which is about two hours.

Repair skin tissue and reduce wrinkles

Unlike the ultraviolet ray that most girls hate, red light should be very popular with girls.

For skin issues, the aim to achieve good skin conditions light perception is realized by cytochrome c oxidase in mitochondria. Like chlorophyll, it can respond to the call of light. Of course, people cannot conduct photosynthesis like plants, but the light of different wavelengths acting on cytochrome c oxidase is not meaningless but will send different signals to cells to change their life activities.

Among them, red light has the most positive effect on skin rejuvenation. It can improve the activity of cytochrome c oxidase, thus accelerating electron transfer, enhancing mitochondrial respiration, and producing more adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

At the same time, red light also activates signals related to proliferation, survival, repair, and regeneration by changing the redox state of cells, so that skin tissues can be renewed. It is recommended that the general use time be controlled within 30 minutes.

Red light therapy work has shown high cure effective treatment that can reduce skin roughness and highly promote skin health.

In Conclusion

Use Red light therapy device and infrared light have many benefits for the human body, some other light such as blue light has low-level laser therapy, which can save neck cancer patients through laser surgery and achieve patient satisfaction. We only need to control the reasonable use time according to different purposes, so we can see the curative effect after 1-2 months of consistent use.


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