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Do air compression boots help with varicose veins ?

This is a more professional topic. Believe that a lot of people want scientific understanding. Best compression boots, after all, can help or ease varicose veins.

The answer is absolutely yes.

What are the varicose veins?

Everyone’s varicose veins present differently. For example,

  • Surface blood vessels like earthworms, noticeable convex skin, varicose or nodular shape;
  • Sour distension in the legs, pigmentation, desquamation, itching in the skin, and edema in the feet and ankles;
  • There is a strange feeling in the limbs, such as acupuncture, itching, numbness, and burning sensation;
  • The temperature of the epidermis increases, and there is pain and pressure sensation;
  • Local gangrene and ulceration. If it is uncomplicated superficial varicose veins of the lower extremities, the clinical symptoms are generally mild, and the progression is slow. Most of them are simple varicose, and a few cases can have thrombotic phlebitis, a venous ulcer, and so on. Suppose it is deep venous valve insufficiency, even deep venous reflux obstruction. In that case, the condition is relatively severe, calf standing heavy feeling, easy fatigue, lower limb swelling and swelling pain, later skin nutritional changes, desquamation, atrophy, pigmentation, eczema ulcer formation. Poor blood flow is the main problem.

How do air compression boots work on varicose veins?

The idea is that it can relieve the pressure in the varicose veins by recovery boots, and the compression boots can reduce the varicose veins, the stasis of the blood, and it can effectively improve circulation. Pants of pneumatic principle are to use different levels of stress, is the pressure value is different, you can set the range of 0-250 mmHg pressure value, pressure is higher, at the bottom in the upper part of the body pressure is relatively low, can produce the pressure difference, it can promote venous blood backflow, can reduce the progress of varicose veins, It can also reduce the symptoms of varicose veins.

How about the effect of air compression boots?

Air compression boots are a kind of gradient pneumatic compression boots. Mainly through the effect of gradient pressure, it can promote the reflux of lower extremity veins and relieve the local swelling, acid swelling, weakness, numbness, heaviness, and other feelings caused by lower extremity venous diseases.
It is significant for treating some chronic lower extremity venous diseases, and clinicians and patients have affirmed its effect. The role of recovery boots in treating lower extremity venous diseases has been written into the international guidelines, and a compression system is an integral part of conservative treatment.
Pneumatic compression pants, in addition to the treatment of uncomplicated lower extremity varicose veins, can also treat lower extremity deep vein thrombosis, lower extremity venous insufficiency, lower extremity venous valve loss, lower extremity venous ulcer, and other chronic lower extremity diseases. Therefore, recovery boots play an important role in venous surgery and venous disorders of lower limbs.

How much is the remedial cost of varicose veins?

In terms of the cost of varicose veins treatment, the price of varicose veins differs depending on the treatment. For example, conservative treatment must spend the cost of varicose vein socks and drugs. The cost is about USD80 less because the conventional treatment only varicose vein socks and medicines.
Varicose stockings are an essential and conservative tool for treating varicose veins, such as when the patient has varicose veins. Still, the symptoms are not severe, or after varicose veins surgery, they play a vital role in the patient’s postoperative recovery. If it is a surgical treatment for varicose veins, the anesthesia, and the surgical method, will be different.
If the choice is lumbar anesthesia and traditional high ligation of the great saphenous vein, the cost is about USD1235. If the option is minimally invasive surgical treatment, using laser radiofrequency treatment of varicose veins, the price is about USD2308-3078 dollars.

Buy a set of recovery boots, as long as more than 100 dollars, every day regular massage physical therapy, believe that varicose veins can be effectively controlled. Even the most expensive air compression pants, like Therabody RecoveryAir, cost around $1,000.

What are the air compression boots?

A good recovery boot is made through the air to intermittent pneumatic compression; In the charging and discharging of airflow, increased limb blood flow can be performed on the legs and limbs of users.
Our pneumatic compression devices can reach 250mmhg. But other suppliers like Normatec or Therabody recovery boots only go 50-100mmhg.
Intermittent pneumatic compression devices can do muscle soreness after exercise performance. This will significantly reduce the lactic acid formation, ensuring you don’t feel muscle soreness the next day.
At the same time, recovery boots can promote metabolism, help you with metabolic waste, and keep your body in good condition.
Finally, certification is essential. As a high-value medical fitness product, it is responsible for users to have the corresponding certificate.
As far as I know, some suppliers will provide 510K certification, a very professional medical certification.
Of course, an overall compression boot system contains multiple accessories, like hip attachment; Leg Recovery System; compression socks, etc. But not all compression boots can reach this. They maybe provide different pressure levels but can not do medical-grade devices.

How are compression boots do?

Maxtorc’s massage technology was developed by our physical therapy offices, using three technologies to enhance the recovery mode of human body function. And helps your system increase blood flow to particular areas
The induction effect of dynamic delivery can explain more fully pneumatic compression of the calf or forearm muscles, which can significantly improve the flow of body fluids and metabolites from the limbs after vigorous exercise. Boots enhance blood flow to promote blood circulation.
Blood flow can be achieved by pneumatic compression. Our compression therapy has won many international awards and is professionally certified to ensure safety.
In simple terms, the strength of intermittent pneumatic compression devices is to massage the legs. There are different ways of compression boots that can achieve the functions of beating and scraping, and pushing.
Blood circulation promotes metabolism and can effectively prevent the occurrence of varicose veins and other diseases.

Conclusion of Recovery compression boots

  • After medical certification, recovery boots for varicose veins have a favorable health care treatment.
  • Recovery boots are not a substitute for medical treatment but only for routine maintenance and the prevention of varicose veins.
  • The high-tech recovery tools can never replace exercise recovery, so exercise more, and you will need health more.


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