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Ngaba imveliso yamva nje yehlabathi, iibhutsi zoxinzelelo lomoya, zinganciphisa ubunzima?

Iintsholongwane ze-Ofisi zihlala zibanga ukutyeba ngenxa yokuhlala phantsi, ingakumbi umlenze unokuqokelela amafutha amaninzi, ngoko ke ngonyango lomzimba ingaba ukuphumeza umsebenzi wokunciphisa ubunzima?

I-massage yomlenze inokubhitya imilenze:

I-massage yomlenze inokubhitya imilenze. Kukho amanqaku amaninzi kwimilenze yomzimba womntu. Ukuphulula la manqaku aluncedo kwimilenze ebhityileyo, njengendlela yokubetha, indlela yokucofa, ukukhuhla kunye nenkqubo yokutyhala ineempembelelo ezibalaseleyo zemilenze, kwaye iziphumo ebezingalindelekanga kumzimba womntu zincinci, ke baninzi abantu kubomi bemihla ngemihla baya kuthembela ngakumbi. le ndlela.

Ziziphi iibhutsi zokucinezela?

Ngexesha elinye, iibhutsi zinokukhuthaza imetabolism, zikuncede ngenkunkuma yemetabolism, kwaye ugcine umzimba wakho ukwimeko entle ngamaxesha onke.

Ngokokwazi kwam, abanye ababoneleli baya kubonelela ngesatifikethi se-510K, esi sisiqinisekiso sonyango sobuchwephesha.

Zinokwenza ntoni iibhutsi zokucinezela umoya?

Ukujikeleza kwegazi kukhuthaza inkqubo yemetabolism kwaye kukhawulezisa umzimba ukutshisa amanqatha amaninzi. Ukusuka kweli nqanaba kungabonwa kwakhona kuluncedo ukunciphisa ubunzima.

Ezinye iimpawu zeebhutsi zoxinzelelo lomoya

Ukuqukunjelwa kwezixhobo zokucinezela umoya

What can air compression boots do?

Maxtorc’s massage technology was developed by ourselves, using three developed technologies to better enhance the recovery mode of human body function.

The induction effect of dynamic delivery can more fully mimic the explosive force of the calf or forearm muscles, which can significantly improve the flow of body fluids and metabolites from the limbs after vigorous exercise. Boots enhance blood flow to promote blood circulation.

Blood flow can be achieved by compression of air. Our compression therapy has won many international awards and is professionally certified to ensure safety.

In simple terms, the strength of the airflow is to massage the legs. There are different ways of compression boots that can achieve the functions of beating and scraping, and pushing.

The circulation of blood promotes the metabolism and speeds up the body to burn excess fat. From this point can also be seen is also beneficial to reduce weight.

Other features of the air compression boots

Mainly by the repeated charge of multi-cavity airbag sequential deflated, formed the cycle stress of body and organization, the body of the distal to the body of the proximal to evenly and orderly, improves blood and lymph flow, and the function of improve microcirculation, accelerate the body tissue fluid backflow, can help prevent the formation of thrombus, prevention of limb edema, It can directly or indirectly treat many diseases related to hemolymph circulation.

Conclusion of air compression devices

So the compression system may lead to losing weight is a persistent thing, which requires a comprehensive adjustment of diet, exercise, and physical therapy to achieve a healthy body.

But the high-tech recovery tools can never replace exercise recovery, so exercise more, and you will need health more.


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