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Ngaba i-Infrared Therapy ingakunceda unciphise umzimba?

Enye indlela ethandwayo sisisongelo somzimba we-infrared. Ezi ziquka amabhandeji e-silicone amakhulu okanye iipads ezikhupha ukukhanya kwe-infrared ecaleni kweengalo, i-torso, kunye nemilenze. Unyango olubomvu ngaphambi nangemva kovavanyo lwe-cellulite lubonise ukuba luncede ekulahlekeni kwesisindo. Unyango lokukhanya olukufuphi ne-infrared.

Iinzuzo zokuzama unyango lwesibane esibomvu sokunciphisa umzimba

Indlela esetyenziswa ngayo unyango lwesibane esibomvu ekunciphiseni umzimba kulula. Yonyusa izinga le-metabolic. Ukukhanya okubomvu nokuluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka kuvuselela i-mitochondria. Esi siphumo sonyusa i-glucose oxidation. Ukukhanya phakathi kwe-600 kunye ne-1000 nanometers kuvuselela ii-enzymes zobhedu kwiiseli. Oku kuvelisa ngaphezulu kwe-ATP okanye i-adenosine triphosphate/eneji yeseli. Ngokulandelayo, itshisa iswekile kakuhle ngakumbi.
Unyango lokukhanya olukwinqanaba elisezantsi lunokwenziwa ngamaza obude ohlukeneyo okukhanya. Ngokomzekelo, unyango lwe-laser olunamandla aphantsi lunokukhokelela ekukhuleni kweenwele, ukulungiswa kwezicubu zolusu, njalo njalo. Unyango lwesibane esibomvu lunokukhokelela ekuvuseleleni ulusu. Ukuba uyanyanzelisa ukusebenzisa unyango olulula.

Oku kunyuka kwesantya semetabolism kukhokelela ekunciphiseni koxinzelelo.

Le yindlela engangeneleliyo yokuguqula umzimba.

Ichaphazela i-fat / adipocyte biomarkers. Ulingo olulawulwayo lonyango lokukhanya okubomvu, ukunceda ukwaneliseka kwesigulana, unyango oluthambileyo lwelaser lusebenza kakuhle kakhulu kwimpilo yolusu. Isixhobo sonyango lokukhanya okubomvu yeyona ndlela iluncedo kwimpilo yolusu,

Kutheni uNyango oluBomvu lusebenza?


It affects fat/adipocyte biomarkers. Red light therapy controlled trial, help patient satisfaction, a little soft laser therapy do very good on skin health. Red light therapy device is the most helpful way for skin health,

Why does red Light Therapy Work?

The human body uses three different kinds of light. These are ultraviolet, blue, and red light. Red light therapy is known for its therapeutic benefits.

When it comes to fat loss, detox, and rehabilitation, red light therapy can help.

Infrared therapy for weight loss is invisible. It penetrates the body better than other forms of phototherapy. Red light therapy speeds up metabolism by stimulating the repair and regeneration of damaged cells. This then stimulates the mitochondria to produce energy. Red light therapy causes fat cells to release stored fat into the body’s bloodstream.

Red light therapy is known by names such as low-intensity light therapy/lightbox therapy/photobiomodulation or biostimulation.

This is an alternative to using low-intensity lasers or light-emitting diodes on the surface of the body. Low-power lasers can relieve pain and stimulate or enhance cell function. Red light therapy involves low-power wavelengths of light released through the skin. It does not cause pain because the infrared or red light treatments used for weight loss do not generate heat.


Therefore, low-level laser therapy has many benefits for weight loss. Therefore, it has many advantages. For a non-invasive, painless, and even easy way to lose weight, phototherapy is effective. However, infrared light therapy for weight loss should always be carried out under medical guidance.


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