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Iibhutsi zokubuyisela uxinzelelo lomoya ziphumlile okanye akunjalo?

Yintoni umpu wokuphulula umzimba kwaye wenza ntoni?

Ingaba imipu yokuphulula iyasebenza?

Ziziphi iibhutsi zoxinzelelo lomoya leg inkqubo yokubuyisela)?

Umgaqo wonyango wezixhobo zokucinezela umoya.
a. Izixhobo zoxinzelelo lwe-pneumatic ikakhulu zenza uxinzelelo lokujikeleza kumalungu kunye nezicubu ngokuzalisa ngokuphindaphindiweyo kunye nokukhupha umoya kwi-airbag ye-multi-chamber ngendlela elandelelanayo. Icinezela isiphelo esikude samalungu ukuya ekupheleni kwesigxina samalungu ngendlela elinganayo kunye nocwangco, ikhuthaza ukuhamba kwegazi kunye ne-lymph, iphucula umsebenzi we-microcirculation, kwaye ikhawuleza ukuhamba kwe-tissue fluid yamalungu. Kuyanceda ukukhusela ukubunjwa kwe-thrombosis, ukukhusela i-edema yelungu, kunye ngokuthe ngqo okanye ngokungathanga ngqo izifo ezininzi ezinxulumene nokujikeleza kwe-hemolymph.
b. Ngokusebenzisa i-passive kunye ne-massage effect, kunye nokukhawuleza kokujikeleza kwegazi. Inokukhawulezisa ukufunxwa kwenkunkuma ye-metabolic, izinto ezivuthayo, kunye nezinto ezibangela iintlungu egazini. Inokuthintela i-atrophy ye-muscle, ithintele i-fibrosis ye-muscle, iqinise umxholo we-oksijini yamalungu, kwaye incede ukusombulula isifo esibangelwa ukuphazamiseka kwegazi (okufana nokufa kwe-bone femoral head ring, njl.)

Yintoni i-IPC (i-intermittent pneumatic compression)?

Amagumbi omoya kunye neepompo zomoya zisetyenziselwa ukuvelisa i-massage yoxinzelelo lomoya kwimilenze kunye nesinqe. Ngokuphindaphindiweyo ngokulandelelana kunye nokunyuka kwamaxabiso kunye nokunyuka kwamagumbi omoya, unyango loxinzelelo lomoya lusebenza kakuhle ekukhuthazeni igazi elilungileyo kunye nokujikeleza kwe-lymph, ukuphucula imetabolism, kunye nokwandisa imithwalo yegazi emzimbeni. Unyango lwe-IPC yindlela yonyango eyamkelwa ngokubanzi yiphysiotherapist ukwenza unyango lwe-lymph edema, ukungahambi kakuhle kwegazi, ukuchacha kwezemidlalo, ukukhubazeka kwelungu, kunye nokuthomalalisa iintlungu zelungu. enika ingqwalasela ekhethekileyo kwiindawo ezithile kwimilenze yakho (iinyawo, amaqatha, amathole, okanye amathanga). Le khithi iza neyunithi yolawulo, unikezelo lwamandla, ithumbu, kunye nokuncamatheliswa kwemilenze emibini ekhethwe kumanqanaba amahlanu okuqina, ukuseta ixesha lonyango, kunye negumbi elithile ukuze boost ucinezeleo kwindawo ethile.


a. I-lymphedema yelungu eliphezulu nasezantsi
b. I-lymphoid reflux obstruction edema
c. Uthintelo lwe-vein thrombosis
d. Ukuqhawuka kwelungu
e. isifo samathambo

Zenza ntoni izixhobo zokucinezela umoya?

Izinto eziluncedo kunye nezinto ezinqwenelekayo

Ingaba isixhobo sokucinezela umoya sineziphumo ebezingalindelekanga?

Iibhuthi zokunyanzeliswa komoya ziyimveliso yokuzivocavoca ngokomzimba ngaphandle kwemiphumo emibi. Kodwa kungakhathaliseki ukuba luhlobo luni lwe-massager, i-massager eqhelekileyo okanye i-massager ekhethekileyo, isitulo sokuphulula i-airwave, njl. Injongo yokhetho lwethu lwephysiotherapy ikakhulu ukuphumla umzimba kunye nokuphelisa ukukhathala. Indlela yesintu yokuthanjiswa ine-acupoint stimulation okanye umothuko wombane uya kusebenzisa amaza ombane. Ugxininiso lukhululekile, kunokuba lubangele uxinzelelo kumzimba, ngoko ke kungakhathaliseki ukuba luhlobo luni lwe-physiotherapy, kufuneka luxhomekeke kwimodareyitha. Iimbaleki kunye noogqirha abakhangela ezona bhutsi zokucinezela ezingcono eziphathwayo nezilula ukuzisebenzisa baneendlela ezimbalwa onokukhetha kuzo. Isixhobo saseKhaya Ezona Bhutsi ziCwangcisiweyo ziQinisekisayo zokuBuyisa kwakhona Zivavanyiwe Ngexesha loQeqesho oluQhelekileyo lweMarathon Ngu-Nick Harris-Fry okokugqibela uhlaziywa kwiintsuku ezi-3 ezidlulileyo Hlala emva, phumla, kwaye uvumele ezibhutsi zoxinzelelo lwepneumatic zincede imilenze yakho iphile.
Eyona nto ingcono kuxinzelelo. Kubadlali ababalaseleyo behlabathi kunye noosomashishini, ukuhlala phezulu kumdlalo wabo kuqala ngeRecoveryAir. UKUFUMANA NJENGEPRO RECOVERYAIR PRO yeyona nkqubo ilungiselelwayo yocinezelo ekubuyiselweni kwayo. DISCOVER RECOVERYAIR JETBOOTS Kwabo bahlala besendleleni lula onokuqhubeka. FUMANA ngokukhawuleza. Ikhuselekile. Isebenza ngakumbi.
Ke ngoko, iibhutsi zoxinzelelo lomoya yindlela entsha yokuphumza umzimba ngcono ngaphandle kokwenzakala.


a. Upper and lower limb lymphedema

b. Lymphoid reflux obstruction edema

c. Prevention of deep vein thrombosis

d. Limb spasm

e. rheumatic arthritis

What do pneumatic compression devices do?

They fill with air to squeeze your legs and promote better blood flow, getting rid of metabolic waste generated by your training. This can help to reduce soreness and swelling and get you back on your feet sooner to train again. The benefits of compression to aid recovery are well established and there’s no real risk to using boots unless you ramp the pressure up until your legs tingle or go numb – don’t do that.

Primary and secondary lymphedema of upper and lower limbs, chronic venous edema, lipid edema, mixed edema, etc. Especially for upper limb lymphedema after breast surgery, the effect is remarkable. The treatment principle is to promote blood circulation, and lymphatic circulation, some painful, uncomfortable metabolites, and inflammatory pain-causing substances are squeezed into the main circulation to remove, thereby eliminating edema.

Air compression recovery boots through the pressure belt inflation, thereby compression patient limb, applicable to promote arm and leg blood circulation, promote CRus blood and lymphatic circulation.

Advantages and desirability

1. safe, green, non-invasive, in line with the development direction of modern medicine.

2. Treatment comfort.

3. Low treatment cost.

4. The operation of the treatment equipment is becoming more and more simple, which can be used for medical use, and the effect is guaranteed.

5. It has multiple effects on some diseases.

6. The treatment of diseases is becoming more and more extensive.

Does a pneumatic compression device have side effects?

Air compression boots are physical exercise products without side effects. But no matter what kind of massager, ordinary massager or special massager, airwave massage chair, etc., the user should be moderate, The control unit allows you to control massage time and pay attention to whatever is too much of a good thing.

The purpose of our choice of physiotherapy is mainly to relax the body and relieve fatigue. The traditional massage method has acupoint stimulation or electric shock will use electromagnetic waves. The focus is comfortable, rather than causing pressure on the body, so no matter what kind of physiotherapy, it should be subject to moderation.

What are the best compression boots?

Elevating the muscle group prevents swelling and promotes fresh blood cells. Athletes and medical practitioners who are looking for the best compression boots that are portable and easy to use have a couple of options. Home Gear The Best Compression Boots For Recovery Tested During Tough Marathon Training By Nick Harris-Fry last updated 3 days ago Sit back, relax, and let these pneumatic compression boots help your legs recover.

The best in compression. For the world’s top athletes and entrepreneurs, staying on top of their game starts with RecoveryAir. RECOVER LIKE A PRO RECOVERYAIR PRO is The most customizable compression system in recovery. DISCOVER RECOVERYAIR JETBOOTS For those always on the move — convenience that can keep up. DISCOVER Faster. Safer. More effective.

Therefore, air compression boots are a new trend for better relaxation of the body without injury.


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