Ngo-2023, siyavuya ukwazisa umthengisi wethu omtsha we-massage guns – i-Maxtorc, i-brand phantsi kwe-Nanjing Yunkai Machinery Co., Ltd. I-Maxtorc iseke ubukho obuqinileyo kwishishini lonyango lwezemidlalo, inikezela uluhlu lweemveliso ezifana nemipu ye-massage kunye neebhulukhwe zomoya.

Izinto eziluncedo kwizinto eziphathekayo
izinto zemipu ye-massage ziquka isinyithi, iplastiki, kunye ne-carbon fiber. Nalu uhlalutyo lweenzuzo kunye nokungalunganga kwezi zixhobo:
- Iplastiki
- I-Carbon Fiber
Izinto ezingeloncedo: Ixabiso lokwenziwa kwemathiriyeli ye-carbon fiber liphezulu, elinokukhokelela kumaxabiso aphezulu emveliso.
- Iinkonzo ezenzelwe wena
- Ngokwemigaqo yokwenziwa kwelogo, sinikezela ngeendlela ezintathu:
Ilogo yeLaser: Singasebenzisa itekhnoloji yelaser ukukrola uphawu lwakho kumpu wokuphulula, siqinisekise iziphumo ezichanekileyo nezizinzileyo.
- I-logo yokushicilela isikrini: Ukusebenzisa izikrini zesilika eziphezulu kunye ne-inki, sinokuprinta ilogo yakho ngqo kwi-massage gun. Le ndlela ibonelela ngokugqwesileyo kombala kunye nokuqina.Nceda usazise iimfuno zelogo yakho kwaye siya konwaba ukukunika umpu olungiselelweyo ohlangabezana neemfuno zakho.
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umenzi wompu wokuphulula massage umpu ngokwezifiso umenzi
Iinkonzo ezikhethekileyo zasemva kokuthengiswa
Siyakuqonda ukubaluleka kwenkxaso ekhawulezileyo nesebenzayo, kwaye injongo yethu kukuqinisekisa amava angenamthungo kubathengi bethu.Sikwabonelela ngokhuseleko lwewaranti yemipu yethu yokuphulula, siqinisekisa uxolo lwengqondo kubathengi bethu. Inkqubo yethu yewaranti yenzelwe ukugubungela naziphi na iziphene zokuvelisa kunye nokubonelela ngeenkonzo zokulungisa ngaphandle kokuphazamiseka okanye ukutshintshwa, njengoko kuyimfuneko.Ngaphezu koko, sigcina uluhlu olugcinwe kakuhle lweendawo ezisetyenzisiweyo kunye nezixhobo, ukuqinisekisa ukufumaneka ngokukhawuleza kunye nokufumaneka lula nakuphi na ukutshintshwa okanye ukuphuculwa okufunekayo. Iqela lethu lihlala likulungele ukukunceda ekufumaneni iindawo ezifanelekileyo kunye nezixhobo zokuphucula ukusebenza kunye nexesha elide lemipu yakho yokuphulula. Siyazingca ngokuzibophelela kwethu ekwanelisekeni kwabathengi kwaye sijonge phambili ekukukhonzeni ngeemveliso zethu ezikhethekileyo kunye neenkonzo zasemva kokuthengisa. . Ukuba unayo nayiphi na imibuzo okanye ufuna ulwazi oluthe vetshe, nceda ungathandabuzi ukuqhagamshelana nathi.Email:
Customized services
In terms of logo customization, we offer three options:
- Laser logo: We can use laser technology to engrave your logo onto the massage gun, ensuring a precise and durable result.
- Pad printing logo: With our pad printing equipment, we can transfer your logo onto the massage gun using ink. This method allows for more intricate designs and a variety of colors.
- Screen printing logo: Using high-quality silk screens and ink, we can print your logo directly onto the massage gun. This method offers excellent color saturation and durability.Please let us know your logo requirements and we will be happy to provide you with a customized massage gun that meets your needs.
Exceptional post-sales services
We understand the importance of prompt and efficient support, and our aim is to ensure a seamless experience for our customers.We also offer warranty coverage for our massage guns, ensuring peace of mind for our customers. Our warranty program is designed to cover any manufacturing defects and provide hassle-free repair or replacement services, as necessary.Furthermore, we maintain a well-stocked inventory of spare parts and accessories, guaranteeing quick and easy availability for any required replacements or upgrades. Our team is always ready to assist you in finding the right parts and accessories to enhance the performance and longevity of your massage guns.We take pride in our commitment to customer satisfaction and look forward to serving you with our exceptional products and post-sales services. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.Email: